Reading about the terrible school shooting in America this week and Donald Trump wanting to go give teachers guns, I wondered: is there a better solution to stop school shootings?
Of course there is! Instead of giving teachers guns he could put up the age to buy a gun or that you need a firearms licence to buy a gun. But no, apparently it would be better to give teachers guns. In America when you’re eighteen you can buy a gun, go off to war and blow people up in a tank but you can’t have a beer! How stupid is that! You can buy a gun at eighteen but you can’t have a beer until your twenty one! That’s so stupid the Americans should be given an award for the stupidest law ever.
The amount of people dying from being shot in America is ghastly, according to GVA (Gun Violence Archives) already this year over 31o0 people have been killed and over 5400 people have been injured. There is no state in America where there hasn’t been a gun related incident already this year. In Wyoming there has been no injuries this year only deaths according to GVA. Trump said he would end the “American Carnage” but in July 2017 deaths had risen 12 percent as reported by the Washington Post. Last year there had been more mass shootings than days according to Mass Shooting Tracker. According to Quartz, America owns about half the world’s guns while only taking up about 5% of the world’s population and half of the country’s guns come from just 3% of the America population. The average gun owner in America has around eight guns according to Quora. In NZ there are only 230,000 registered gun owners out of a population of 4.6 million people. In NZ there are 1.1 million guns which means every registered gun owner has about four guns which is still a few but only half of the average gun owner in America.
Donald Trump could easily change the requirements to buy a gun but he doesn’t want to, he would rather “Give teachers guns.” Is giving teachers guns going to change anything? Yes, it’s going to make America an even more dangerous place. Think about it, someone walks into the class and starts shooting kids, the teacher whips out their gun and shoots back, some students get caught in the crossfire and more students get killed than if you had to have a licence.
Who thinks Donald Trump should pass a law saying that you need a licence to buy a gun?
Thanks for reading my opinion on gun laws in America.
By Jack