Friday, 16 September 2016

Denver zoo recount

Denver zoo

I woke up and looked around groggily "I wonder what we’re going to do today" I thought. "We’re going to the Denver zoo" I suddenly remember. I jumped out of bed and sprinted up the stairs I grabbed a bowl and poured some breakfast I quickly shoveled it all into my mouth. I then ran back downstairs and got dressed. About fifteen minutes later everyone else was ready to go we jumped in the car and drove to Denver using the directions from the map which stopped about five hundred metres short. When we got there it was so busy; it looked like we were in New York.

When we finally got inside we headed off to see the animals first we saw the Porcupines, we carried on going round the zoo eventually we got to the Polar bear. The Polar bear, looked really lonely and sad like he had just lost his son. We kept walking until we got to the Elephants we bought some popcorn then went over to see them. They were huge but just like the Polar bear they looked very lonely because they were kept apart from each other. They also seemed to have been treated cruelly as their tusks had been cut off. We kept walking round the zoo stopping to look at Gorillas, Hippos, Birds, a Rhino, monkeys, Lemurs, Orangutans and other primates.

After about twenty minutes we got to Bear Mountain.
Bear Mountain was made in 1918, and was the first habitat constructed out of fake materials of its kind in North America. Bear Mountain was based on giant natural rock structures near Morrison, Colorado. This strategy was a riot in zoo construction, a design where people could see the animals at eye level without any visible bars or fences. I thought the structure looked like it had been naturally formed and I also thought it was cool how you could see the bears at a distance of about 2-3 meters with no bars in the way. Bear Mountain is home to North American Grizzly bear, an Asiatic Black bear and Coatis. They had two Grizzly bears, one black bear and about 5-6 Coatis. Although they were together the Grizzlies seemed sad and frustrated because one started going crazy splashing around like he was drowning and throwing a rope at one of the logs. The Asiatic Black bear wasn’t any happier, he was pacing back and forth across his enclosure. Unlike the Bears the Coati were running around happy as can be. Although the bears were unhappy they did look familiar with their surroundings.

Finally we went to see the Lions which were near the entrance, though we hadn’t seen them because my little brother had been too busy running off to see the Polar bear. There was about 4-6 lazing around at the back of their cage. There was also a sign saying that there was a cub. So there would of been a male somewhere, I just don’t think we saw him, unless he didn’t have a mane. I thought the zoo was spectacular but I still did feel sad for the animals.


  1. I have enjoyed reading about your trip to USA. You have used the paragraph writing model SEEC very well. This makes it easy to read your story. You have used very good descriptive words and good sentence beginnings. Well done.

  2. Hi Jack, a great recount of our zoo visit. I was also impressed with the paragraphing - well done. In the Bear Mountain paragraph, the word riot doesn't really work. Can you think of a replacement word or phrase?

  3. Jack I did enjoy your recount . What a wonderful experience.Was good that you noticed the sadness of some of the animals.However at least they are safe and well looked after.


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Jack B