Tuesday, 9 January 2018

Favourite meal

My favourite meal is roast pork with broccoli salad and roast potatoes. The reason this is my favourite meal is because I enjoy roasts and I like the taste of pork the best. My favourite part of the meal would have to be the potatoes, I love them and eat every single one on my plate and then go back for seconds and sometimes thirds or fourths. Once I've finished the potatoes I move onto broccoli salad which is a healthy salad that is made up of bacon, feta cheese, cucumber, spinach or lettuce and of course broccoli. This is my favourite meal comment down below saying yours.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jack!

    This does sound like a delicious meal, I like that it has a mix of meat and veggies (I like variety!).

    Mmmm potatoes are delicious, I love mashed potatoes the best. They have a special place in my heart and stomach because they were my Poppa's speciality meal...He was Irish. :)
    How do you like you potatoes?

    I also love pork, I think it tastes delicious and I love the crackling. Do you like the crackling part too?
    I think my favourite meat might have to be steak though. My mum used to burn the steak because she doesn't like blood in her meat so I thought I didn't really like it but one day my brother cooked me a medium steak and I never looked back!

    That broccoli salad sounds delicious...I might have to try it one day.

    Is this the meal you get to have on your birthday? (my mum always let me pick dinner on my Birthday!)

    Thanks for telling me about your favourite meal Jack, sounds like your house it the place to be at dinner time!
    Ellee :)


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Jack B