Wednesday, 10 January 2018

Pepeha summer learning journey

Ko Aoraki te maunga - My Mountain is Mt Cook
Ko Mawhera te awa - My river is the grey river  
Ko Mawhera ahau - I am from Greymouth
Ko Te Kura Paroa tōku ake kura - My school is Paroa
Ko Trish rāua ko Russell ōku mātua  - My parents are Trish and Russell
Ko Jack tōku ingoa - My name is Jack

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jack!

    Awesome job with your Pepeha!
    I think it is a really cool thing to know, it's also great to see how much Te Reo you know!
    Did you learn your pepeha in school? I didn't learn mine until I went to university!! I wish I had learnt more Maori while I was at school. Do you learn Te Reo at you school often?

    You did a great job with this post Jack! If you want to you can even add some pictures to match or post up a video of yourself saying your pepeha!

    Keep up the awesome work,
    Ellee :)


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Jack B