Tuesday, 21 June 2016


WALT: Short division with fractional remainder.


  1. Nice work Jack. Please try and speak a little slower when you are recording yourself. Thanks, Mum

    1. Thank you for your comment and suggestion on BTB. I will try and do this next time.
      Thanks Jack.

  2. Hi there jack i'm Bailey from Waikowhai Primary School
    Um just correcting you on your maths good job on it but 3 divided by 1 = 3 so just wondering why it said yes.

    Anyway go check out my learning blog at wpsbaileyb.blogspot.co.nz.

    1. hi bailey, what it means is 1 divided by 3 which you can't do. will check out your blog soon.

  3. Hi Jack b, My name is Alfred from Waikowhai Primary School, I really like how you showed us your learning =)Go check out my blog at wpsalfredk.blogspot.co.nz

  4. Hi Jack b, My name is Alfred from Waikowhai Primary School, I really like how you showed us your learning =)Go check out my blog at wpsalfredk.blogspot.co.nz

  5. Hi this Lamech from Waikowhai Primary school and i liked the way you tried but 3-1 doesn't equal 0 it equals 3 cause 3 times 1 is 3 but instead you did 0.Lamech @ Waikowhai Primary School.

    1. Hey Lamech it means 1 divided by three which equals 0

  6. Hi my name is Joshua and I am a year five from Waikowhai Primary school, I think you made a mistake on 3 divided by 1. The real answer was 3. If you want to visit my blog go to http://wpsjoshuac.blogspot.co.nz/

    1. Hi Joshua what the question is asking 1 divided by three will try and check out your blog soon

  7. Hi there jack My name is Shivneel i really like your the your tried to to to the division thing but 3-1 doesn't = 0 it equal 3 and this is my blog name http://wpsshivneelr.blogspot.co.nz/.


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Jack B