Thursday, 16 June 2016

Jack Poem

WALT: write a poem.

Missiles make fiery arcs across the sky then
send waves of death across the ranks like a
tornado of fire

Soldiers fall silently onto burnt blackened dirt
like chocolate cake.

Tanks cause annihilation everywhere punching
holes in brick like it is paper.

Trenches collapse like sandcastles on the beach.

Bayonets cut into flesh like it is butter.

Grenades explode sending a shower of shrapnel
over the soldiers like rain.

Bullets fly everywhere like a hailstorm.

Iron crosses and swastikas cover the German
General’s coat.

Cannons go off like thunder.

             By Jack

1 comment:

  1. hi Jack, Great descriptive writing, and use of similes. Well done. From Mum :-)


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Jack B