The sinking of the Rainbow Warrior from a French perspective.
We should not be a nuclear-free NZ if there is a war we need to be able to defend ourselves.
We can also sell the nuclear bombs and make money. I agree with the French who tested these bombs. They were testing them on atolls away from civilisation. How are they supposed to prepare with annoying ships sailing round the atolls. The island belonged to the French!
Ok so they blew up a boat in Auckland harbour and killed someone. Maybe they shouldn’t have done that but what’s the big deal! They paid NZ $13 million and NZ still sentenced the two people who blew up the boat ten years in jail.
After spending a year in jail they were sent to Tahiti to spend the rest of their imprisonment there. However after only a couple of years both had been smuggled back to France. Of course NZers were furious but there was nothing they could do the agents were on French ground and the NZ government could do nothing without declaring a full-blown war and giving all the time the French had spent on nuclear bombs the French would win it, which is why we should not be a nuclear-free zone. If we had nuclear power we could have gone to war with the French and won. After this NZ became completely nuclear-free.
Thank you for reading my opinion on the sinking of the Rainbow Warrior. I wrote this from a French perspective and do not actually believe this.
Hi there, I AGREE New Zealand shouldn't be nuclear free because we need to defend our self instead of being blown up
Jack H
Jack, I like your disclaimer/waiver at the end. It's interesting looking at it from 'the other side' isn't it. You're right, the French were testing weapons designed to protect their people. There's a bunch of ironies involved in events like this huh?