Monday, 18 December 2017

Maui and the giant fish, summer learning challenge

I learnt
1. That Maui was not as old as his brothers.
2. Maui's brothers were greedy and mean
3. Maui's karakia was powerful magic

Another story I have heard about Maui is Maui and the sun. Here is the link to Maui and the giant fish, comment back telling me what you learnt.


  1. Hi Jack,

    I'm impressed that you know another Maui story! And I think it is a good idea to invite other people to comment on your blog to hear about what they learnt from the story. Good thinking!

    How many brothers did Maui have? Were they all older than him? I have two brothers so I know how difficult they can be!

    I look forward to reading more of your blog.

  2. hi jack nice facts I'm glad someone doing the summer learning journey. It took me ages to find someone who was doing it!
    please comment on my blog,


Hi! I am looking forward to reading your quality comment! Try and follow these steps when commenting please:

1. Introduce yourself
2. Tell me a joke, something funny to engage me.
3. Make your comment meaningful, useful, inspirational
4. Don't be an egg.
4. Leave your blog address so I can give you some feedback or make some new connections too!

Jack B