Monday, 8 January 2018


A Wharepuni was one of many Maori buildings in a village. Others include Kauta where the Maori cooked and Pataka where they store items. A Wharepuni's purpose was to house people for sleeping.
Two things that are different about my house and a Wharepuni is that we cook and eat inside in our house where a Wharepuni is just for sleeping in and my house is made from wood and a Wharepuni is made of ferns and bark. Two things that are similar about a Wharepuni and my house is that people sleep in both of them and that the structure is similar only it is made of different materials


  1. Hi Jack!

    Happy New Year! Hope you had a great Christmas break? Did you get up to anything special?

    Thank you for posting up some background information about the Wharepuni! That was really interesting to read. You have also found some really great similarities between your house and a wharepuni, awesome job!
    I like that you have thought about the way they both look, how they are lived in and what they are made of.
    I like that the wharepuni had carvings over it, I think they look really beautiful. I think it would be really cool if modern houses in New Zealand had carvings on them too.
    What do you think about the Wharepuni? Would you like to live in one?

    Glad to see you back blogging Jack! Keep up the awesome work.
    Ellee :)

  2. Happy New Year to you too, thanks for your message. In answer to your questions I had a great Christmas and hope you did too. We've been swimming kayaking, bush walking and reading lots. I think the carvings would look awesome on a house but could probably be a bit expensive if you were building a house today. I like Wharepuni and think they are an important part of our history although I don't think I'd like to live in one.
    Thanks Jack.

    1. Hi Jack!

      Thank you, I did have a really great break.
      I am glad you have been able to get outside and enjoy the weather - swimming, kayaking and bush walking sounds like lots of fun. Do you have a favourite spot to go?

      Yeah, you are right it probably would be very expensive to put carvings on a house and take a long time to do.
      Thank you for sharing your thoughts on the Wharepuni, you bring up some great points.

      I saw online the other day that All Star weekend is coming up in about a month, do you think you'll get to watch it?

      Ellee :)


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Jack B