Tuesday 24 July 2018

Ban mining on conservation land

It is vital to our existence that we ban mining.
The mining ban isn’t that bad because of these following reasons.

About 50,000 people said we should ban it. Have 50,000 said no to the ban.
Some people have said no but nowhere near that amount.

They are destroying the habitats of native animals and killing the bush,
so something needs to be done.

Its conservation land the conservationists can choose what to do with it.

There will be public input on the specifications of the law so there may be some loopholes.

You can still mine just not on conservation land where some mining takes place but not all of them.

It won’t affect many people as most mines are not on conservation land.

No NEW mines so you can continue mining on the ones already established.

Trees produce oxygen which we breathe,
and mining destroys trees so to sustain life in this country we need to ban mining.

If we ban mining we can still export coal from other countries that do commercial mining.

Banning mining will result in tourism rocketing, as there will be so many more sights to see in NZ.
Instead of spending money on mining,
we can focus our attention on preserving New Zealand’s stunning natural wonders.
(The seven plus natural wonders of New Zealand)

Because of the above reasons you can tell that without a doubt,
mining needs to be banned from New Zealand if we want to keep our country beautiful.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jack. Thanks for your post. Can you please double check the following statements? I'm not convinced these are entirely true. Look at some local cases.

    "It won’t affect many people as most mines are not on conservation land"

    "No NEW mines so you can continue mining on the ones already established"


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Jack B