Today we had the BTB points auction, in case some of you don't know what that is it is when we have an auction using BTB points instead of money. BTB stands for Better Than Before, so you get points for doing things like cleaning up or finishing your work. Then at the end of the term everyone brings things into auction off. I had forty-four BTB points and bought a diary of a wimpy kid book for four BTB points, and a box of favourites for forty.
Wednesday, 14 December 2016
Monday, 14 November 2016
Saturday, 12 November 2016
Thursday, 10 November 2016
Wednesday, 9 November 2016
Tuesday, 8 November 2016
Monday, 7 November 2016
Saturday, 5 November 2016
Friday, 4 November 2016
hey guys, so as you probably know I we are for inquiry we are studying plants, so I am going to be writing about how we planted our seeds.
So first we chose what we wanted to grow, I chose cress. Then we made origami seedling pot out of newspaper, since newspaper is not waterproof we put our pot into a plastic container. Then we filled that up with dirt and put our seeds in. To make sure we didn't get legionnaires disease we wore protective gloves and a face mask. After that, we watered our plants, here is a picture of my plant so far.
So first we chose what we wanted to grow, I chose cress. Then we made origami seedling pot out of newspaper, since newspaper is not waterproof we put our pot into a plastic container. Then we filled that up with dirt and put our seeds in. To make sure we didn't get legionnaires disease we wore protective gloves and a face mask. After that, we watered our plants, here is a picture of my plant so far.
Thursday, 3 November 2016
Jack D.L.O.
Hey guys here is a video on roman numerals and a follow-up quiz for after you finish watching
Wednesday, 2 November 2016
Wednesday, 26 October 2016
Monday, 24 October 2016
Lego is the most popular toy in the world. There are many different types of Lego, the current themes are Star Wars, Ninjago, Super Heroes, Vehicles that actually work, City, Nexo Knights, Computer Games, Minifigures, Dimensions, Friends, Mixels, Disney, Classic, Juniors, Jurassic World, Elves, Ideas, Creator, Scooby Doo, Bionicle, Speed Champions, Architecture, Chima and Ultra Agents. As you can see there is a type of Lego for everyone big and small, in fact the lego company actually makes a second type of toy called Duplo which is like Lego except it is simpler and the pieces are bigger to suit younger children.
The name Lego comes from the Danish words “leg godt” meaning play well. Lego is a fun series of interlocking blocks. You can make anything from a simple tree to a working sluice pipe. The Lego Company have a wide range of sets from movies and books such as Star Wars, Angry Birds, Marvel, The Hobbit, The Lord Of The Rings, Jurassic World, Batman, The Lego Movie and much more. As I have already said there are a variety of types ranging from the simple juniors to the sophisticated Lego Technic. There are also motors that you can use to power your inventions, or for less complicated things like automatic doors or exploding buildings you can actually just use the regular pieces.
Lego is very easy as each set comes with instructions to show you how to build the set, or you can build your own creations. Lego Creator actually comes with two or more sets of instructions, where you can build different creations. Lego Technic also sometimes comes with two sets of instructions and Lego Minecraft comes with building inspiration. You can also buy boxes of bricks which you can then use to build your own creations. A minifigure is a Lego person, and you can figure out what most minifigures are supposed to be doing just by looking at them. Minifigures are an important part of your creations, most sets come with 1-12 minifigures or if you are short on people you can buy Minifigures which are a bag with 1 minifigure inside plus accessories. Minifigures are random so there is no way to pick which ones you want. Each type of Lego has it’s own separate minifigures such as police for Lego City, Stormtroopers for Lego Star Wars and Super Heroes for Marvel. The very first Lego minifigure had non-poseable arms and legs, a blank face and no hands.
If you build and create enough you might be able to become a professional and design Lego for a job. The Lego headquarters are in Billund, Denmark and Lego was invented by Ole Kirk Christiansen. Lego designers are people who have proved how good they are at Lego and now design it for a job. Only the best builders get to become Lego designers, and they design sets and supersets (a superset is three sets in one box) for you to play with. Another job involving Lego is reviewing sets for money, some popular reviewers are Jangbricks, Artifex Creations, Brickbuilder and THE BRICK SHOW. What some professional builders do is make their own cities out of their pieces.
Thank you for taking the time to read my explanation on Lego. I have told you about what Lego is, types of Lego, the history of Lego, minifigures, what you can make and what professionals do. Now get out there and start playing!
Saturday, 22 October 2016
Tuesday, 18 October 2016
Friday, 14 October 2016
Wednesday, 5 October 2016
Friday, 23 September 2016
Thursday, 22 September 2016
I’m going to be talking about types of Bears, size, Diet and populations of bears. Here are my questions about bears.What is the most common type of Bear in America? How many bear attacks are there in the US per year? How many Grizzly bears are there in Yellowstone? What is the biggest Black Bear? Why do people kill them? What is the biggest brown bear? What is bigger Polar Bear or Kodiak Bear? How big was a California Grizzly?.
First of all I will be listing the different types of bears. North American Black Bear, Brown Bear, Polar Bear, Asiatic Black Bear/ Moon Bear, Andean Bear, Panda Bear, Sloth Bear and Sun Bear. Now for their subspecies, The Brown Bear’s subspecies are Atlas Bear, Bergman’s Bear, Blue Bear, Eurasian Brown Bear, Marsican Brown Bear, Himalayan Brown Bear, European Brown Bear, Gobi Bear, Grizzly Bear, Ussuri Brown Bear, Kamchatka Brown Bear, Kodiak Bear, Syrian Brown Bear, East Siberian Brown Bear and Mexican Grizzly Bear. The American Black Bear’s subspecies are Cinnamon Bear and Kermode Bear, The Sloth Bear’s Subspecies are Sri Lankan Sloth Bear and Indian Sloth Bear. The Asiatic Black Bear two Subspecies are The Pakistan Black Bear and the Formosan Black Bear. Extinct types of Bears are California Grizzly, Dwarf Giant Panda and Florida Spectacled Bear.
Now we have the size of bears. The two biggest types of bears are Kodiak Bear and Polar Bear and the biggest bear ever was a Kodiak Bear which was 14 feet tall and weighed 2500 lbs though Polar Bears are generally bigger. The biggest California Grizzly weighed 2200 lbs. The heaviest North American Black Bear ever weighed 902 lbs. Bears biggest to largest are as follows, 1 Polar Bear 2 Brown Bear 3 American Black Bear 4 Asiatic Black Bear 5 Sloth Bear 6 Spectacled Bear 7 Giant Panda 8 Sun Bear.
Moving on we have population. In Yellowstone there is an estimated population of 280-610 Grizzly bears and 500-650 North American Black bears. An endangered species of bear is the Marsican Brown Bear With a population of only 30-60 left. Another endangered species is the Giant Panda with a population of around 1864 left in the wild in 2014. Although this is still quite low it is actually very good as in the late 1970s it only had a population of about 1000.
Bears are omnivores so they eat both meat and plants. A Panda’s diet consists of 99% bamboo and 1% of other plants and even meat. Grizzlies eat berries, nuts, rodents, mushrooms, Fish, Eggs, Baby Deer, Bald Eagles and Large Mammals including Moose, Caribou, sheep, bison and even Black ears though they are more likely to take babies and injured individuals rather than healthy adults. Grizzly Bears living in Yellowstone often compete with Gray Wolves for food usually over an Elk that the wolves have killed sometimes a wolf will try and distract the Grizzly Bear while the others feed. If the wolves become aggressive with the bear it is usually by quick nips to the hind legs. Conflict like this rarely ends in death or serious injury one carcass is simply not enough to the wolves (if the bear has the upper hand) or to the bear (if the wolves are persistent.) Although wolves usually dominate meetings at wolf dens there are reportings of Grizzlies and Black Bears killing wolves and cubs at wolf dens.
On average Black bears kill less than one person in the US per year. Thank you for taking the time to read my report on Bears I hope you enjoyed it.
BTB Points Auction
Hey guys, today we had the BTB points auction I got a countdown star wars cosmic shell which I was really happy about as it was one I did not have. Which isn't saying much because counting this one I only have three. The cosmic shell was #27 TIE FIGHTER. Here is a picture.
Friday, 16 September 2016
Denver zoo recount
Denver zoo
I woke up and looked around groggily "I wonder what we’re going to do today" I thought. "We’re going to the Denver zoo" I suddenly remember. I jumped out of bed and sprinted up the stairs I grabbed a bowl and poured some breakfast I quickly shoveled it all into my mouth. I then ran back downstairs and got dressed. About fifteen minutes later everyone else was ready to go we jumped in the car and drove to Denver using the directions from the map which stopped about five hundred metres short. When we got there it was so busy; it looked like we were in New York.
When we finally got inside we headed off to see the animals first we saw the Porcupines, we carried on going round the zoo eventually we got to the Polar bear. The Polar bear, looked really lonely and sad like he had just lost his son. We kept walking until we got to the Elephants we bought some popcorn then went over to see them. They were huge but just like the Polar bear they looked very lonely because they were kept apart from each other. They also seemed to have been treated cruelly as their tusks had been cut off. We kept walking round the zoo stopping to look at Gorillas, Hippos, Birds, a Rhino, monkeys, Lemurs, Orangutans and other primates.
After about twenty minutes we got to Bear Mountain.
Bear Mountain was made in 1918, and was the first habitat constructed out of fake materials of its kind in North America. Bear Mountain was based on giant natural rock structures near Morrison, Colorado. This strategy was a riot in zoo construction, a design where people could see the animals at eye level without any visible bars or fences. I thought the structure looked like it had been naturally formed and I also thought it was cool how you could see the bears at a distance of about 2-3 meters with no bars in the way. Bear Mountain is home to North American Grizzly bear, an Asiatic Black bear and Coatis. They had two Grizzly bears, one black bear and about 5-6 Coatis. Although they were together the Grizzlies seemed sad and frustrated because one started going crazy splashing around like he was drowning and throwing a rope at one of the logs. The Asiatic Black bear wasn’t any happier, he was pacing back and forth across his enclosure. Unlike the Bears the Coati were running around happy as can be. Although the bears were unhappy they did look familiar with their surroundings.
Finally we went to see the Lions which were near the entrance, though we hadn’t seen them because my little brother had been too busy running off to see the Polar bear. There was about 4-6 lazing around at the back of their cage. There was also a sign saying that there was a cub. So there would of been a male somewhere, I just don’t think we saw him, unless he didn’t have a mane. I thought the zoo was spectacular but I still did feel sad for the animals.
Sunday, 4 September 2016
Boulder Library
Hey guys, before I start my post I'm just going to let you know this will be my last post while in America as we as we leaving today. So yesterday we went to the Boulder Library and they were having a Lego Block Party. You got to build for 45 minutes and then would show your creation my brother and I worked together to make a house (Which you had to make.) At the end of time limit the structures were presented and we soon found out ours was the biggest. Our house we made had two pools, two bedrooms, a bathroom, kitchen, three floors, changing rooms, snack bar, balcony and our own personal Chef. Here are a couple of photos.
Thursday, 1 September 2016
Denver zoo
Hi, so today we went to the Denver zoo which was amazing. We saw Lions, Hyena, Wild dogs, Elephants, Hippos, Rhinos, a Maned Wolf, Leopards, Gorillas, Orangutans, Snakes, Flamingos, Red Pandas, Tigers, Lizards, a Tiger, Monkeys, Lemurs, Cape Buffalo, Giraffes, Zebras, Sheep, Mandrills, Red River hogs, vultures, Eagles, Camels, Donkeys, Otters, a Polar bear, a Black bear and two Grizzlies. Here are some photos.

Wednesday, 31 August 2016
Bear Lake
Hi, yesterday we went to Bear Lake, on the way we were stopped by about fifteen elk in the town of Estes Park! When the elk had moved on we continued up the road only to stop again about five minutes later. This time, there was elk on the side of the road instead of on it. This group of elk was a lot bigger, about ninety elk and one of them charged at us! When we got to Bear Lake and started the walk there were Chipmunks everywhere. The walk circles Bear Lake which is at an elevation of 9474 feet. When we finished the walk we drove back to Boulder. On the way back home we didn't see any elk though we did see two wild turkeys. Here are some photos of the day.

Thursday, 25 August 2016
Eldorado Springs
Hey guys, yesterday we went to Eldorado Springs which is a pool on the outskirts of Boulder. Eldorado Springs opened in 1905 back then it would only cost one dollar for a swim. The pool is only open in between Memorial weekend and Labour weekend. The water comes into the pool at 76 degrees Fahrenheit and the heating system brings it up to 80 degrees. Eldorado Springs is a great place to kill a hot day. Here are some photos of the pool.
Tuesday, 23 August 2016
Red Rocks, Boulder
Red Rocks Trail is a walk up a 300 ft high hill with a view of Boulder at the top. (The town of Boulder is at the base of the Rocky Mountains and is at a height of 5430 ft or 1655 m above sea level.) Red Rocks Boulder is a moderately easy 45 minute walk. Located in Settlers park it is a 1 mile loop trail. Settlers park got its name because it was thought to be the first permanent camp of American settlers in Boulder. Be careful as Black bears, mountain lions and deer thrive in this area. Here are some photos of Red Rocks.

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