Saturday, 25 June 2016

Bread recipe


This is a great white bread with a soft, smooth texture perfect for that last  minute snack. There is no bad side, it tastes good. It is easy to make and  for nutrition it is 57 calories per slice. It doesn’t really take that long and it is a fraction of the cost of buying bread. Serve with butter and marmite.

Two tsp yeast
Two cups of warm water
Two tsp of regular salt
Four cups of flour
Wet towel
Baking bowl
Bread pad

Step 1. Take baking bowl and put in two tsp of standard yeast.

Step 2. Pour in two cups of warm water.

Step 3. Give mixture a quick stir.
Step 4. Look for bubbles if no bubbles throw mixture away and start again.

Step 5. If yeast doesn’t look quite ready then go away and come back in a few minutes.
Step 6. Add two tsp of salt.

Step 7. Add two cups of flour and stir add another cup and stir add another cup and stir.

Step 8. Get your hands in the mixture and flatten and fold.

Step 9. Make sure your mixture is silky not wet

Step 10. Mold in a rough sort of ball shape for approximately one minute.

Step 11. Flatten and fold if still wet.

Step 12. Place dough to side.

Step 13. Push flour that is stuck on the side of the bowl off and throw it away.

Step 14. Put some oil in your bowl and spread it around

Step 16. Place dough in bowl and flip it over so both sides are oily.
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Step 17. Put wet towel over bowl and place it to side.

Step 18. Leave for one hour.

Step 19. Check on bread and then punch it about five times.

Step 20. Pick it up and mess with it a bit.

Step 21. Push back down into bowl, then pick it up again, push back into bowl.
Step 22. Take out bread pad and put a little bit of oil into it, rub oil around it with your hands.
Step 23. Stick dough into bread pad and mold it so dough is almost at the top in the middle and so it is sort of in a mountain shape.
Step 24. Cover bread with a towel and leave for an hour.

Step 25. Set oven to 400 degrees and bake for half an hour

Step 26. Take out of oven using oven mits and tap on top it should sound hollow, leave for 15 minutes.

Step 27. EAT!!!!
Jun 16, 2016 1:17:36 PM.jpg

Thursday, 16 June 2016

Jack memoir poem

WALT: write a memoir poem
The Bookshop was usual enough; it had
shelves of books,a desk, a card stand, a roof
over it and even a shelf of Teddies I never looked at.
My brother and I did what all avid book readers do -searched along
the infinite shelves, flicked through books,checked
price tags, took books off the shelves,
scanned our eyes across the pages,
skim read or looked for another book.
Doing nothing important.


Jack Poem

WALT: write a poem.

Missiles make fiery arcs across the sky then
send waves of death across the ranks like a
tornado of fire

Soldiers fall silently onto burnt blackened dirt
like chocolate cake.

Tanks cause annihilation everywhere punching
holes in brick like it is paper.

Trenches collapse like sandcastles on the beach.

Bayonets cut into flesh like it is butter.

Grenades explode sending a shower of shrapnel
over the soldiers like rain.

Bullets fly everywhere like a hailstorm.

Iron crosses and swastikas cover the German
General’s coat.

Cannons go off like thunder.

             By Jack

Jack writing narrative.

WALT: Write a story based on Harris Berdick Drawings.

One dark, stormy night when Dave got back from hunting. He heard a noise outside, probably just a raccoon looking for food he thought and went back to chopping the meat. Then he heard it again right outside this time. Dave ignored the noise and started cooking the meat. When he heard it for a third time he started getting a bit freaked out.

Dave grabbed his twenty-two calibre rifle and walked over to the top of the stairs leading down to the basement. He started walking down the steps when he got to the bottom he heard a roar. “Okay” He whispered to himself “it’s a bear, I’ll just call the police and they can come get rid of it” He walked over to the opposite wall and picked up the phone. He then dialed 911, after listening  for a couple of minutes he put the phone back down. “Power lines down” He muttered to himself. “I suppose I’ll just have to deal with it myself. He jogged over to a corner and opened a concealed box reached into it and pulled out some ammunition for his twenty-two.

Dave then went back up the stairs and walked over to the door, hands shaking he unlocked it. Walked outside and closed the door behind him. Dave looked around. KA-BLAM!!!! A flash of lightning lit up the night sky and he saw something move. Slipping a bullet into the twenty-two he pulled the trigger. BAM!!! The hammer sent the bullet flying towards where the bear had been a second ago. But before the bullet had got to it the bear jumped out of the way turned snarling and charged Dave slipped a second bullet into the gun but before he could fire the bear jumped on him and bit his right arm making Dave drop the gun.

Dave fumbled through his pockets looking for something he could use against the bear. Dave found a couple of flares and a knife. Dave grabbed all of them just as the bear let go of his arm and bit his leg. The bear started dragging him towards the forest, desperately Dave set the flares off. The bear bit even harder into his leg. Dave stabbed it making the bear let go of his arm. Dave jumped up and started to run towards his house. Suddenly the bear leapt onto his back and bit down into his neck pulling Dave down.

Dave kicked and punched trying to keep alive. Dave stabbed the bear again making it let go of him briefly but then closed in for another mauling.The bear bit Dave’s right arm again. Pain exploded up Dave’s arm. Dave grabbed the bear’s jaws and pulled them off his arm. The bear rose up to its full height and roared just as Dave’s luck was about to run out. Three gunshots rang out and the bear fell down on top of Dave. Dave pushed it off him and looked around to see who was the owner of the gun. There standing a hundred yards away was Sergeant Harris Berdick.

Later Berdick briefed Dave on what had happened. I was driving back to L.A. when I saw those flares. I stopped the car grabbed my gun and ran over here as fast as I could. When I saw the bear attacking you I loaded my gun and fired. Berdick then drove Dave to Toronto hospital where Dave was treated for several broken limbs and a punctured windpipe.

           THE END

                  By Jack

Wednesday, 15 June 2016